It has been a busy week. Monday I went over to Allena's and got a Carding 101 lesson on her Fancy Kitty carder. I had washed several fleeces and brought some over for her to look at. I wasn't too sure they were clean enough to send out. We started plucking and make a couple of batts. Adding Bamboo to one and some other stuff to the other. The transformation from the raw fleece to the batt and then roving was amazing. I was hooked. Tuesday, I grabbed my change bucket and headed to the bank. I needed to get myself a carder. Based on the UPS tracking, my Fancy Kitten will be here tomorrow. In the meantime, we've finished prepping the wool and I made a stop by Allena's and bought some wonderful brown and grey alpaca, also some bamboo. You can guess what I'll be doing on Saturday.
Our first batch of eggs made it into the incubator today. Mostly Salmon Faverolles, some Marans and Ameruarcanas. We went with the Hovabator Genesis 1588. I added water and turned it on when it came. It's needed no adjusting and has held it's temperature steady since.
Caroline, who is in the background, said she was staying there until they popped.
Caroline, who is in the background, said she was staying there until they popped.